Executive Director Ole von Uexkull and 2019 Laureate Aminatou speaking at the Swedish Parliament during the 2019 Award Week, credit: Christian Gustavsson
Our Story
Right Livelihood is a courage-powered community for social change. We are committed to peace, justice and sustainability for all.
Our Founder
Jakob von Uexkull founded the Right Livelihood Award to lift the voices of change-makers offering practical solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.
Our Board
Our Board of Trustees sets the direction of our work as we highlight and support change-makers.
Swiss Support Foundation
Our Swiss Support Foundation has worked to increase the impact of Right Livelihood Laureates and gather financial support in Switzerland since 2007.
Parliamentary Network
Parliamentarians from Sweden have for many years supported the work of Right Livelihood Laureates. This allows Laureates’ solutions to reach even more decision-makers.
Our partners elevate the impact of our work, allowing us to do even more for Laureates. Besides financial support, they also lend their time, energy, and talent to us so that we can serve change-makers better.
We establish and develop long-term cooperations with institutions and organisations to support and amplify Laureates’ causes.
Right Livelihood Laureates work on urgent climate action globally. We strive to reflect this in our day-to-day operations.