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Fartuun Adan (left) and Ilwad Elman (right) speaking to the audience at the auditorium of the University of Zurich.

Swiss Support Foundation

2022 Right Livelihood Laureates Fartuun Adan (left) and Ilwad Elman (right) speaking at the University of Zurich, credit: Right Livelihood.

We gather support for change-makers and spread their solutions in Switzerland.

Founded in 2007 by publisher Annette Ringier, the Zurich-based Right Livelihood Award Foundation Switzerland aims to increase the impact of Right Livelihood Laureates by raising their profile and bringing visibility to the Right Livelihood Award. The Swiss Support Foundation also gathers donations from Switzerland to support the work of Right Livelihood.

In recent years, the Swiss Support Foundation has been instrumental in establishing the Right Livelihood Centre of the University of Zurich. This commitment has been made possible by the continuing support of dedicated private donors and foundations, as well as by several generous bequests the Swiss foundation received in recent years.

The close relationship between the University of Zurich and Right Livelihood Laureates goes back to 2008. Since then, the University has co-hosted a lecture annually with one of the new Right Livelihood Laureates in connection with the Award Presentation in Stockholm.

Right Livelihood Award Foundation
c/o Scala Treuhand
Etzelstrasse 42
8038 Zürich


Ole von Uexkull

Member of the Board

Monika Griefahn

Member of the Board

Erwin Fuchs

Member of the Board

Gesine Krüger