Our partners enable us to better support change-makers.
Our work is made possible by partnerships and cooperations with dedicated individuals, networks, organisations, institutions and companies.
Our partners support our work in various ways, including through in-kind contributions, cooperations and providing important platforms for Right Livelihood Laureates.
Through the generosity of our partners, we are able to better serve change-makers and make their voices heard globally.
Our partners elevate the impact of our work, allowing us to do even more for Laureates. Besides financial support, partners lend their time, energy and talent to us, so we can better serve change-makers.
We establish and develop long-term cooperations with institutions and organisations to support and amplify Laureates' causes.
Parliamentary Connections
Parliamentarians from Sweden and Germany have for many years supported the work of Right Livelihood Laureates. These parliamentary connections allow Laureates' solutions to reach even more decision-makers.