Home News 2010 Right Livelihood Awards

2010 Right Livelihood Awards

2010 Right Livelihood Awards

The 2010 Right Livelihood Awards go to four recipients who will share the € 200.000 cash award:

NNIMMO BASSEY (Nigeria) receives an Award “for revealing the full ecological and human horrors of oil production and for his inspired work to strengthen the environmental movement in Nigeria and globally”.

Bishop ERWIN KRÄUTLER (Brazil) is honoured “for a lifetime of work for the human and environmental rights of indigenous peoples and for his tireless efforts to save the Amazon forest from destruction”.

SHRIKRISHNA UPADHYAY and the organisation SAPPROS (Nepal) are recognised “for demonstrating over many years the power of community mobilisation to address the multiple causes of poverty even when threatened by political violence and instability”.

The organisation PHYSICIANS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS-ISRAEL (Israel) is awarded “for their indomitable spirit in working for the right to health for all people in Israel and Palestine”.

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Phone: +41 (0)78 333 84 84

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