Home News 2013 Right Livelihood Laureates secure fundamentals of human life

2013 Right Livelihood Laureates secure fundamentals of human life

2013 Right Livelihood Laureates secure fundamentals of human life

The 2013 Right Livelihood Awards go to four recipients. The Laureates will equally share the cash award of SEK 2 million (ca. EUR 230,000).

The Jury awards PAUL WALKER (USA) “for working tirelessly to rid the world of chemical weapons”.

RAJI SOURANI (Palestine) receives the Award “for his unwavering dedication to the rule of law and human rights under exceptionally difficult circumstances”. It is the first time that a Right Livelihood Award goes to a Palestinian.

The Jury recognises DENIS MUKWEGE (Democratic Republic of Congo) “for his courageous work healing women survivors of war-time sexual violence and speaking up about its root causes”.

The Jury awards HANS R. HERREN/BIOVISION FOUNDATION (Switzerland) “for his expertise and pioneering work in promoting a safe, secure and sustainable global food supply”. It is the first time that a Right Livelihood Award goes to Switzerland.

The 2013 Right Livelihood Awards were announced today at a press conference in Stockholm by Ole von Uexkull, Executive Director, Dr. Juliane Kronen (Germany) and Marianne Andersson (Sweden), board members of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation.


Ole von Uexkull, Executive Director of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation said:

“This year’s group of Laureates secure the fundamentals of human life. They show that we have the knowledge and the tools to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, to secure respect for human rights, to end the war on women in Eastern Congo, and to feed the world with organic agriculture. The world should not have to live with problems that we know we can solve. These four men, whose vision, courage and commitment we honour today, show what the solutions look like.”

Phone interview opportunities on September 26th

* Paul Walker will be in Cape Town, South Africa. Journalists may contact him through the hotel Westin Cape Town Hotel, +27-21-412-8999, or via the Right Livelihood Award office.

* Denis Mukwege will be travelling. If you plan to conduct an interview with him, please contact the Right Livelihood Award office. * For Hans Herren and Biovision, please contact David Fritz, head of communications and campaigns, Biovision, in Switzerland at +41-44-500 49 84 (landline), or +41-79-312 84 13 (cell phone)

* For Raji Sourani, please contact the office of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights in Gaza, at +972-8-2824-776, or +972-8-2825-893.

* Ole von Uexkull, Executive Director of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation (Sweden, afternoon): +46-8-70 20 337 (English, Swedish, German).

Upcoming: Award Ceremony

The Awards will be presented at a ceremony in the Swedish Parliament on December 2, 2013, at 4 pm, hosted by the Society for the Right Livelihood Award in the Swedish Parliament.


Founded in 1980, the Right Livelihood Awards are presented annually in the Swedish Parliament and are often referred to as ‘Alternative Nobel Prizes’. They were introduced “to honour and support those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today”.

Jakob von Uexkull, a Swedish-German professional philatelist, sold his business to provide the original funding. Since then, the Awards have been financed by individual donors.

This year, there were 94 proposals from 48 countries. From today, there are 153 Right Livelihood Award Laureates from 64 countries.

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Press contacts

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Phone: +41 (0)78 333 84 84

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Phone:  +49 (0)170 5763 663

Sonja Leister


Phone: +46 (0)73 654 13 19

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Phone: +46 (0)73 043 13 01