Leonardo Boff (Brazil, RLA 2001)

News 13.11.2009

Leonardo Boff accuses G20 of being focused on saving the economic system instead of humanity

Leonardo Boff says the priority is to focus on how to preserve the conditions necessary for the Earth, as a living organism, to continue producing and breeding. He advocates a “new ethic” and “new habits” to fight social and ecological injustice. Production should be meant to meet human beings’ needs while also setting limits and striving for equity.

Read more (Spanish article)

Media contacts

Emoke Bebiak

English, French & International Media

E-mail: emoke.bebiak@rightlivelihood.org
Phone: +41 (0)78 333 84 84

Nayla Azzinnari

Spanish Media

E-mail: nayla@rightlivelihood.org
Phone: +54 9 11 5460 9860

Nina Tesenfitz

German Media

E-mail: presse@rightlivelihood.org
Phone: +49 (0)170 5763 663

Johannes Mosskin

Swedish Media

E-mail: johannes@rightlivelihood.org
Phone: +46 (0)70 437 11 48