The United Nations’ Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) has today granted special consultative status to the Right Livelihood Award Foundation. Having consultative status gives the Foundation access to the United Nation’s mechanisms, such as the Human Rights Council, and the ability to play an active role in decision making.
“Having consultative status to ECOSOC puts the Right Livelihood Award Foundation in a privileged position within the UN. Most importantly, we can invite our Laureates to sit at the heart of the decision making processes, to influence agendas and raise awareness to issues of their concern. It provides the Foundation with crucial opportunities to amplify the impact of Laureates’ work, enhance their protection and promote their experiences through international channels”, says Ole von Uexkull, Executive Director of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation.
Consultative status to ECOSOC is given to civil society organisations on the underlying principle that the United Nations and the international community can greatly benefit from the expertise of those fighting against human rights violations, struggling against climate change and pushing for sustainable development on the ground.
“Many Right Livelihoood Award Laureates are being obstructed by people in power in their home countries. Through the consultative status we can widen the platform for them to address root causes of global problems on a truly global level”, says Fabiana Leibl, Protection & Advocacy Manager at the Right Livelihood Award Foundation.
With funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Foundation opened an office in Maison de la Paix, Geneva, in 2015. The Geneva office serves as an Embassy to the United Nations for the 170 people and organisations around the globe who have received the Right Livelihood Award.