Home News TODAY: Messages from Nasrin Sotoudeh and Shirin Ebadi to be featured in 2020 Right Livelihood Award Presentation

TODAY: Messages from Nasrin Sotoudeh and Shirin Ebadi to be featured in 2020 Right Livelihood Award Presentation

TODAY: Messages from Nasrin Sotoudeh and Shirin Ebadi to be featured in 2020 Right Livelihood Award Presentation

A rare exclusive audio message from Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, a 2020 Right Livelihood Laureate, and a video message from Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi will be featured in the 2020 Right Livelihood Award Presentation on Thursday, December 3.

The event comes just one day after Sotoudeh, who had been released for a temporary medical leave earlier, was ordered back to prison by Iranian authorities.

In a virtual celebration, the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize,” will be presented to the 2020 Laureates with recipients Bryan Stevenson, Lottie Cunningham Wren and Ales Bialiatski connecting live from locations around the world.

The Laureates will be introduced by:

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde,

Swedish diplomat and former UN official Anders Kompass,

Community educator Anthony Ray Hinton, who was exonerated after 30 years on death row on a wrongful conviction, and

Amnesty Sweden Chairperson Parul Sharma.

The event will feature:

Award-winning Swedish TV and radio host Gina Dirawi, and

Musical guests Sarah Klang, Amanda Bergman and The Mamas.

Time: 6 – 7:15 pm CET on Thursday, December 3, 2020

Hosted live from Erik Erikssonhallen in Stockholm, Sweden, the event will be live-streamed at 2020.rightlivelihoodaward.org.

As part of the Award, the four Laureates are each receiving 1 million SEK to further their work.

Live signal can be provided free of charge by request.

Access and download photos of the Award Presentation real-time during the event.

About the Right Livelihood Award

Established in 1980, the Right Livelihood Award aims to nurture the human courage needed to achieve peace, justice and sustainability for all. By recognizing the actions of brave visionaries and building impactful connections around the world, the Award aims to boost urgent and long-term social change.

182 Laureates from 72 countries have received the distinction to date.

The Stockholm-based Right Livelihood Foundation presenting the Award sees its role as being a megaphone and shield for the Laureates, providing them with long-term support. The Foundation’s main aims are to raise the profile of the Laureates and their work, provide protection when Laureates’ lives and liberty are in danger, and educate people on the innovative solutions presented by Laureates. The Foundation has Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

A particular feature of the Award is that anyone can nominate individuals and organisations for consideration. An international Jury selects the Laureates after careful investigation by the Foundation’s research team. Unlike most other international prizes, the Right Livelihood Award has no categories. It recognises that in striving to meet the challenges of today’s world, the most inspiring and remarkable work often defies any standard classification.

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