“Tashi Delegs,”
I, on behalf of the members of The Ladakh Ecological Development Group, offer my thanks to the chairman of The Right Livelihood Foundation for this award to our group.
Our group was founded in Ladakh by Miss Helena Norberg-Hodge. During this short period of time we could do a little service to our people with the support of our wellwishers throughout the world.
The main aims and objectives of the group are as follows:
- To protect the precious traditional culture of Ladakh, which has been flourishing for centuries.
- To demonstrate ways and means under which ecological balance can be maintained in the region.
- To try for sustainable and long lasting development and maintaining tolerance among different faiths of the region.
To achieve the above aims and objects the group has started some activities such as publishing booklets and newsletters, arrangements of symposiums and seminars to educate the people, demonstration of solar ovens, green houses, windmills etc.
It will however be difficult to get the people to follow the instructions of the group unless and until the members themselves follow practically. Our members are trying whole heartedly to become practical in respect of our aims and objects.
For instance I am a farmer, mostly cultivating vegetables. I have started organic farming since the last 3 years. I have introduced new different varieties of vegetables and herbs, which can grow successfully in Ladakh during summer and in green houses in winter.
The group hopes that the little services rendered by us will help Ladakhi people in particular and the world at large in getting peace and prosperity.