1993 Laureate Vandana Shiva and 2009 Laureate René Ngongo in Bonn, 2010, credit: Right Livelihood.

Tools to transform society – right at your fingertips!
The means to learn and educate about the Laureates’ solutions are as diverse as their approaches to address societal problems.
We are dedicated to compiling a growing platform of learning resources for a wide range of audiences. This includes training materials for activists, webinars, publications, massive open online courses (MOOCs) in collaboration with the Global Campus of Human Rights, a library at the Geneva Graduate Institute for researchers and more!

Right Livelihood Online Workshop Series
Understanding how gender inequality manifests in our communities is essential to developing effective strategies to combat it and to address the unique challenges women and girls face. Learn more in our workshop series exploring different strategies and methods for achieving gender equality!
Right Livelihood Report Series
The climate crisis has brought the term “climate justice” to the forefront as a call to action. While this term now echoes globally, its definition remains fluid. We explore how the term is perceived and defined, juxtaposing the demands of frontline activists against the major contributors to the crisis.

Library Collection
Explore over 300 books, films and documentaries about Right Livelihood Laureates’ work and life hosted by the library of the Graduate Institute in Geneva.