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Right Livelihood Report Series

Fridays for Future demonstration in Berlin, credit: Andi Weiland

What is Climate Justice?

With the climate crisis unfolding before our eyes, one term perhaps more than any other has emerged as a powerful response and call to action, climate justice. While this term now echoes globally from street protests to international climate negotiations, its definition remains fluid. This report explores how we perceive and define climate justice, juxtaposing the demands of frontline activists against the major contributors to the crisis.

Influenced by activists, indigenous communities, and Global South nations, climate justice has significantly impacted UNFCCC discussions, even amidst challenges. After COP27 in 2022, its importance in climate debates is undeniable, with anticipation for its role at COP28 in 2023.

The report maps the development of climate justice from an idea to a powerful movement. It underscores the responsibility of key stakeholders and evaluates evolving discussions. Four climate action strategies—Climate Litigation, Right to a Healthy Environment, Divestment Campaigns, and the Crime of Ecocide—are analyzed, spotlighting their strengths and areas needing enhancement in the fight for climate justice.