The Bangkok Campus is hosted by the School for Wellbeing Studies and Research, an independent action-research platform, centre of advocacy and informal higher learning lab. It was founded in 2009 by Chulalongkorn University (CU), the Centre for Bhutan & GNH Studies and the Sathirakoses Nagapradipa Foundation established by 1995 Laureate Sulak Sivaraksa.
Programmes of the School for Wellbeing include the annual Chulalongkorn University Right Livelihood Summerschool “CURLS”; Towards Organic Asia (TOA) with the Mindful Markets movement and social enterprise course on sustainable food systems, and the Young Organic Farmers alliance. These programmes are carried out in collaboration with partners in the Mekong region, Southeast Asia and associates Asia-wide including the Royal University of Bhutan. In Thailand, RLC Bangkok works together with Innovation Network International (INI) and Heinrich Boell Foundation Southeast Asia on action-research titled “Connecting the Commons” (CTC).
RLC Bangkok, together with CU Social Research Institute (CUSRI), initiated the Earth Trusteeship Working Group (ETWG) in collaboration with the University of Auckland, New Zealand; Common Home of Humanity (CHH), Portugal; the Centre for Bhutan & GNH Studies, Bhutan; the Global Campus of Human Rights Asia-Pacific at Mahidol University, Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Thailand; as well as with Neshan Gunasekera (legacy holder for Right Livelihood Laureate Judge C.G. Weeramantry), Sri Lanka and Right Livelihood Laureate Alyn Ware, New Zealand. ETWG’s Coordinator is Doctoral candidate Justin Sobion, Trinidad and Tobago.
The School for Wellbeing shares its physical campus at Wongsanit Ashram 40 kilometres outside Bangkok, together with other initiatives for informal higher studies inspired by the engaged spirituality of scholar and activist Laureate Sulak Sivaraksa, Thailand.
For more information on scholarships and activities please visit the RLC website.
RLC Coordinator Hans van Willenswaard: