Home What we do The Right Livelihood Award Award Sculpture

Award Sculpture

2020 Right Livelihood Laureate Ales Bialiatski receiving the Right Livelihood Award, live from Eric Ericssonhallen in Stockholm, credit: Stina Stjernkvist

Created by Swedish sculptor Eva Hild, the Right Livelihood Award Sculpture is made of metal from recycled guns.

The Laureates of the year receive an Award Sculpture made from Humanium Metal, often called the “the most valuable metal in the world.”

Launched in 2016 by IM Swedish Development Partner, the Humanium Metal Initiative aims to decrease gun violence and build more inclusive and peaceful societies. Metal from seized firearms collected from gun destruction programmes in Central America, Northern America and Southern Africa is melted and moulded into units called Humanium Metal.

The revenues from the sale of this metal go back to communities affected by gun violence. Humanium Metal is hence often referred to as “the most valuable metal in the world” as the initiative contributes to removing weapons from the streets and saving lives.

To date, the project has resulted in over 12,000 guns being destroyed.

The sculpture itself has been created and designed by Swedish sculptor Eva Hild. She is hailed as one of Sweden’s foremost sculptors and has exhibited her works in Hong Kong, New York and Paris.

“The weight of the hard, metallic material with its history of violence and destruction creates a big contrast to the thin, soft and organic forms in my work,” said Hild, who created the Award Sculpture pro bono.

“It is incredibly symbolic, almost a bit magical, to reuse material and transform it into something that represents the opposite.”

The Award Sculpture created by Hild has been presented to Laureates since 2020.